About company
NOELSI Research and Development Innovative Company - the leading manufacturer of mobile x-ray units in the country has been working in the Russian market for 10 years. The enterprise has become one of the leaders in production of portable light-dose x-ray equipment.
In cooperation with engineers from different countries NOELSI has developed the technology for obtaining the high-quality x-ray images using the light-dose x-ray units, which results in significant reduction of x-ray equipment size and medical staff number.
Mobile x-ray systems that do not depend on external power sources are of current interest in the huge territory of the Russian Federation. Large distances between the cities and settlements provide for the need to develop a portable, light-weight and convenient medical equipment, which can be promptly delivered to a very distant location.
The laboratory research conducted by NOELSI company allowed the optimization and significant reduction of the radiation dose required for x-ray diagnostics. The reduced adverse effect eliminates the risk of side effects of x-rays.
Improvement of digital x-ray image making and processing technology made it possible to obtain the high-resolution image. The quality of such images is as good as and sometimes even better than that of images obtained by means of x-ray units with high doses of irradiation.
NOELSI has developed and is producing the universal digital light-dose x-ray set with lungs screening function (fluorography).
Today the NOELSI equipment is used by the state and private medical institutions, field hospitals of the Ministry for Civil Defence, Emergency Management and Natural Disaster Response and Ministry of Defence.
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